Registered Massage Therapy
- 1986 - Polarity Therapy Practitioner- Polarity Institute of Boston, based on the work of Dr. Randolf Stone
- 1987 - Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy CCMH - Certificate of Registration - Drugless Practitioners Act - Province of Ontario -Registered Massage Therapist #B581
- 1987 - Association of Physiotherapists and Massage Therapists of BC - Massage Practitioner
- 1987 - Registered MSP Provider #495##
- 1994 - College of Massage Therapists of BC - Registered Massage Therapist - RMT #495##
- 2009 BCRPA Certified Fitness Instructor #249##
Marine Rescue
- 2022 - 50% course work for Advanced/Coxwain
- 2005 - Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Member #14155
- 2009 - Crew Level - CCGA Aux #14 Pacific - 100 Hours Training 2007 - Restricted Operators Certificate (Maritime) & DSC Endorsement
- 2006 - PCOC
- 2005 - American Sailing Association - Basic Keelboat Sailing 101
- 2005 U.S Coast Guard Safe Boating Course
- 2005 - ASA-Basic Coastal Cruising 103
- 2005 -ASA- Bareboat Chartering 104
Certification Gallery